Thursday, March 5, 2020

Public Speaking Fear Ways To Help Harness Your Energy In A Positive Way - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Public Speaking Fear Ways To Help Harness Your Energy In A Positive Way - Introvert Whisperer Public Speaking Fear: Ways To Help Harness Your Energy In A Positive Way The average individual is more scared of speaking in public than death. And while most people think this is exaggerated, public speaking can actually hurt your personal and professional life. Unless you are a sociable extrovert, you feel so nervous with stomach tying itself into knots and your palms getting all sweaty before speaking to events or just standing in front of an audience. And while glossophobia or the fear of public speaking is very real, there are certain techniques that can help you overcome this fear and harness this negative energy into a positive one. 1. Convert The Nervous Energy Into Enthusiasm How do you do that? Well, some speakers often down an energy drink or plugging in their earphones and playing energetic or soothing music before they present. Although it may sound strange, this can help pump you up and transforming your nervousness into focused enthusiasm.

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